Aloha All!
I hope you're enjoying the redesign of my academic web site.
New features include:
- Fluid layout for optimal viewing on any size screen. (Try it! Resize your browser window and the layout should flip around.)
- This blog's posts are incorporated via RSS and PHP and no longer in a messy iframe.
- New page featuring meeting times and presentation topics for the Game Theory Reading Group.
This version is based on the excellent templates provided by YAMB (Yet Another Mobile Boilerplate). Their code was indispensable in teaching me about fluid design and allowing the whole update process to take a little under two weeks of evenings of work.
I'm also very please to be able to bring you these blog entries in a much more native and natural environment than in the previous version. Many thanks to the good people at SimplePie (also on GitHub) for an excellent PHP class that pulls the RSS feed from Blogger and lets me display it the way I want it. As they say, they really do put the "simple back in Really Simple Syndication." Their product is well-documented, and they offer copious use examples. I felt it was a great introduction to PHP programming.
One final shout-out goes to Martin Monperrus for his handy
PHP script. This tool is what I'm using to generate and display the list of papers we are considering presenting to the Game Theory Reading Group.One final announcement is that the page itself has moved (sub)domains! The site formerly found on
is now living on
. The move was necessitated by the current version's extensive use of PHP (which the University of Hawaii domain does not support, but the Electrical Engineering subdomain does). So, apologies to all you book-markers out there, but I've put a 301 redirect on the old site, so you should be able to find your way over here.Enjoy, and please let me know if you have any feedback.
Stay 200 OK,